NISM/Certification/Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination/2023/02 dated May 23, 2023
NISM-Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination
Communiqué/Press Release
This is with reference to communiqué No. NISM/Certification/Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers (PM) Certification/2021/01 dated June 15, 2021 issued by the National Institute of Securities Markets. The associated persons functioning as principal officer of a Portfolio Manager or employee(s) of the Portfolio Manager having decision making authority related to fund management, shall obtain certification from the National Institute of Securities Markets by passing the NISM-Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination
The examination is being offered to the candidates since June 24, 2021. In order to incorporate market and regulatory changes, NISM has updated the NISM-Series-XXI-B Portfolio Managers Certification Examination. The revised NISM-Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination will be available to the candidates with effect from July 24, 2023.
The NISM-Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination with its current content (as per the existing test objective and workbook) will be available to the candidates till July 23, 2023 and will be replaced by the updated examination (as per the revised test objectives and workbook) from July 24, 2023.
Details of the updated examination can be downloaded from the website of NISM.
Details of the updated NISM-Series-XXI-B: Portfolio Managers Certification Examination are given in Annexure-I and Annexure-II of this communiqué/press release.
The text of these Annexure and the registration details are available at
Sunil Kadam
National Institute of Securities Markets
Enclosures: Annexure I and Annexure II