“Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students May 20-25,2019 at NISM Campus, Patalganga

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

NISM has conducted 6 days programme for GLA Mathura students on ‘Overview of Securities Markets Programme’ during May 20-25,2019 at NISM Campus.

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

The programme was inaugurated by Dr. M. Thenmozhi, Director,NISM & Dr.V.R.Narasimhan, Dean & Professor of Practice . The overview of training programme was given by Ms. Shubhangi Chaturvedi (Academic Associate,NISM ). Total 30 MBA (Financial markets) students along with 2 faculty members have attended the programme.

The programme was aimed to make the participants aware about the various topics pertaining to the overview of Securities Markets.

The programme was a blend of classroom & Hands on sessions.

1) Classroom Sessions

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

2) Hands On Session – Trading in Simulated Environment

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

3) Exchange Visits- NSE & MCX

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

The following areas/topics were covered during the programme :

1Overview of the ProgrammeMs.Shubhangi Chaturvedi  
2Overview of Financial Markets(P.M) -1Dr.Nitin Tike
3Overview of Financial Markets(S.M) -2Dr.Nitin Tike
4Financial ModellingDr. Abhay Nagale
5Career in the Securities market Ms.Hershita Pant
6Saving Avenues: Saving Instruments in Indian MarketsDr. Narshimula Siddula
7Session on Corporate Governance Mr. Meraj Inamdar
8Mutual FundsMr. Ritesh Nandawani
9Overview of derivatives   Mr. Jainendra Shandilya 
10Understanding trading operations in Equity –de briefing about simulationMr.Pradiptarathi Panda
11Hands on trading session – Trading mechanics and trade data-simulation exerciseMr.Pradiptarathi Panda
12Understanding trading reports. Trading case – order management and news based trading – DebriefingMr.Pradiptarathi Panda
13Issuance of securities, Public Issue of Securities Meaning and examples ofSecurities; use of ISIN, private placement, bonus issue, rights issue, preferentialallotment, opening/closure of issues, importance of prospectusMr.M.Krishnamoorthy
14Role of Merchant Bankers, Brokers,Depository Participants, Depository, Authorised Dealers, Registrars and Transfer Agents, administrative authorities and appellateauthorities in capital markets viz., Stock Exchanges, Clearing Corporations, SEBI and SAT.Mr. Jitendra Kumar
15Mutual Fund structure; broad regulatory framework for investments; Alternate Investment Funds – regulatory structure. SEBI Mr. Ritesh Nandawani
16Insider tradingMr. Jitendra Kumar
17SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations Mr.M.Krishnamoorthy
18Functioning of stock ExchangesVisit to NSE
19Overview of Commodities MarketsVisit to MCX

 We have also organised 1 day Mumbai darshan for them.

Overview of Securities Markets Programme” for GLA Mathura students

The valedictory was done by Dr. M. Thenmozhi, Director, NISM & Dr.V.R.Narasimhan, Dean & Professor of Practice. The programme was well received by the participnats and at last all participants were given Certificate of Participation.