Refresher Programme in Securities Markets
A five days programme on SECURITIES MARKETS was held in NISM Premises, Vashi during October 21-25, 2013. The programme was attended by 22 participants. The programme kicked off with the inaugural session attended by Shri G.P. Garg, Registrar, Shri K. Sukumaran, Dean, and Shri Nitin Tike, Senior Vice President, NISM.
The programme was designed in such a way that the participants would derive a deep knowledge on the functioning of securities markets. The sessions included an overview of the primary market and secondary market; securities market regulations; functioning of various intermediaries – stock exchanges, depositories, clearing and settlement houses, etc; foreign investment; venture capital; mutual funds, mergers and acquisitions; portfolio management services; surveillance, derivatives, fixed income securities, fundamental analysis, technical analysis etc. A live trading session was demonstrated through a simulation at ITM Institute of Financial Markets, Navi Mumbai. The programme got over on 25 October 2013 with valedictory address by Shri Sandip Ghose, Director, NISM.