Training Programme on‘Bond Mathematics’
NISM Bhavan | July 22-23, 2016
The Training Programme on ‘Bond Mathematics’ was held during July 22-23, 2016 at NISM Premises, Vashi, Navi Mumbai
The broad objective was to provide a better and deeper understanding of various concepts of Bond Mathematics, a detailed understanding of Yield Curve Analysis, the practical & regulatory approach for pricing and valuation of Fixed Income Securities, etc.
The topics/areas covered in the programme were Introduction to Fixed Income Securities – terms, bond indenture, types, exotic bonds, etc., Risks of Investing in Fixed Income Securities, Time Value of Money – Concept and Application, Duration and Convexity Concept, Yield Curve Analysis, Bootstrapping, Spot and Forward Rates, Pricing and valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Money Market Instruments in India, Measuring of returns in Fixed Income Instruments, Risk Management using Interest Rate Futures, Credit Default Swaps, Interest Rate Swaps, Repo and Inflation Indexed Bonds, etc.
The participants for the programme were from different institutions like SEBI, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission(BSEC), UTI AMC Ltd., Nomura, Hegde Financial Planning Services, Gada and Haria Financial Planners Pvt Ltd., Four Dimensions, and NISM Officials, etc.