Shortlisting of Contractors for SITC of Kitchen Equipment. Revised last date for submission of duly filled in application forms is September 10, 2013 (Tuesday) instead of September 9, 2013. All other terms and conditions remain same.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SECURITIES MARKETS (NISM)NISM BHAVAN, PLOT NO. 82, SECTOR 17,VASHI, NAVI MUMBAI 400 703 SHORTLISTING OF CONTRACTORS FOR SITC OF KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Applications are invited in the prescribed format for short listing of contractors for SITC of kitchen equipment at NISM Bhavan, Vashi.SITC of kitchen equipment (For estimated cost of work Rs. 20 Lakh).Applications are invited for short listing of contractors for SITC of kitchen equipment at NISM Bhavan, Vashi, who satisfy the following short listing criteria:Sr. No.Name of the workEstimated cost (in Rs.)Short listing criteria1SITC of Kitchen Equipment at NISM Bhavan, Vashi.Rs. 20 Lakh1. The contractor should have satisfactorily completed atleast any of the following works:One similar work costing not less than Rs. 16 Lakh.ORTwo similar works each costing not less than Rs. 10 Lakh.ORThree similar works each costing not less than Rs. 8 Lakh.Preferably for Central Government / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Body during the last 5 years. (The period of 5 years for the purpose of having completed similar works shall be from 01.08.2008 to 31.07.2013.)2. The annual average turnover of the contractor should not be less than Rs. 1 Crore during the last 3 years ending 31.03.2013. |
# Similar work means Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of kitchen equipment.
A) General conditions
1. Joints ventures are not accepted.
2. NISM reserves the right to independently verify the documents submitted by the bidder for short listing and also, to inspect the work already executed by the bidder to assess the quality and performance of the bidder.
3. NISM reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
4. Applications not received in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected.
The last date for submission of duly filled in application forms is September 9, 2013. Application forms can be downloaded from the website or can be obtained from the office of Shri. Jitender K. Aggarwal, Vice President – EPM, National Institute of Securities Markets, 5th Floor, NISM Bhavan, Plot No. 82, Sector 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703.
For further details, please contact Mr. Jayesh Kurkure (9970232616)